The EncoderLAB is both an incremental encoder tester and simulator combined into the one housing.
PCA had been manufacturing this product as two separate instruments since the beginning of 2000.
Our experience as a builder of incremental encoders in Australia since 1981, has enabled us to develop this unique tester and simulator instrument, EncoderLAB, which is exported to manufacturers around the world.
It may surprise you to learn that many encoder manufacturers around the world use PCA’s EncoderLab rotary encoder tester and simulator as part of their encoder product assembly and testing process.
EncoderLab is Australian designed and manufactured.
It was born out of necessity from the days when PCA assembled encoders here in Australia.
Nowadays EncoderLab serves engineering companies who need to confirm if an encoder is functioning correctly. EncoderLab also allows engineers to simulate an encoder to test their PLC or motion control logic on the workbench before they go to site.
The EncoderLab was developed by PCA and has undergone a few upgrades to its features, hardware, and software to ensure it remains a very usable tool.
We currently have EncoderLab systems in stock, ready for immediate despatch.
Please contact PCA Encoders for further information.
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